Best Exercises to Prevent and Relieve Bawasir Pain

Best Exercises to Prevent and Relieve Bawasir Pain

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Best Exercises to Prevent and Relieve Bawasir Pain

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Hemorrhoids, another name for bawasir, are a painful and uncomfortable ailment brought on by enlarged veins in the rectal region. Long periods of sitting, straining during bowel motions, and inactivity can all contribute to it. While food is vital for hemorrhoids, regular exercise is just as important for preventing and treating them. The greatest workouts to avoid and reduce bawasir discomfort while enhancing general digestive health will be covered in this article.

Why Exercise is Important for Bawasir Prevention and Relief?

Regular exercise strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, increases blood circulation, and avoids constipation. Exercise is crucial for both preventing and treating hemorrhoids because a sedentary lifestyle and inactivity can exacerbate the condition. However, it’s important to pick the correct exercises because some high-impact activities can exacerbate the disease.

Best Exercises for Bawasir Prevention and Pain Relief

1. Walking

One low-impact exercise that helps maintain a healthy digestive system and avoid constipation is walking. Daily vigorous walking for 30 minutes promotes bowel movements and lowers the risk of hemorrhoids and straining. Additionally, walking increases blood flow, which lessens the strain on the rectal veins.

2. Kegel Exercises

The pelvic floor muscles, which support the rectal veins and lower the risk of hemorrhoids, are strengthened with Kegel exercises. To execute Kegel exercises:

  • Contract your pelvic muscles as if you are stopping urination.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds and release.
  • Repeat 10-15 times, 3 times a day. This exercise improves blood flow to the anal area and promotes healing.

3. Yoga Poses for Bawasir Relief

Some yoga poses ease rectum pressure and enhance digestion. The following are the greatest yoga positions for hemorrhoids:

  • Malasana (Garland Pose): Helps open the pelvic region and improve bowel movements.
  • Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose): Enhances blood circulation and reduces swelling in the rectal veins.
  • Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose): Aids digestion and reduces bloating, preventing constipation.

4. Squats

Squats improve better bowel movements and lower body strength. By promoting natural elimination, proper squat methods lessen the tension associated with bowel motions. To improve rectal blood flow, aim for 10–15 repetitions each day.

5. Pelvic Tilts

By strengthening the pelvic and lower abdominal muscles, pelvic tilts assist relieve rectal pressure and improve bowel control. To tilt your pelvis:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis upward.
  • Hold for a few seconds and release.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.

6. Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises that encourage relaxation and stress reduction include diaphragmatic breathing. Stress can exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms and cause constipation. Daily deep breathing techniques can enhance digestive health in general.

7. Swimming

Swimming is a great low-impact workout that lowers rectal vein pressure and increases blood circulation. It is perfect for those who have hemorrhoids because it also helps tone the muscles in the abdomen and eases the tension on the lower body.

8. Cycling Precautions

Cycling can improve cardiovascular health, but because it involves sitting for extended periods of time, it might exacerbate hemorrhoids. To lessen strain on the anal region, choose a seat with plenty of padding if you like riding a bike and take frequent breaks.

Exercises to Avoid

Certain exercises can worsen hemorrhoid symptoms and should be avoided:

  • Heavy Weightlifting: Can increase intra-abdominal pressure and worsen hemorrhoids.
  • Sit-ups and Crunches: May put excessive strain on the rectal veins.
  • High-Impact Running: Can aggravate pain due to jarring motions.

Additional Tips for Preventing Bawasir Pain

  • Stay hydrated and consume fiber-rich foods to prevent constipation.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting; take breaks and move around frequently.
  • Practice good toilet habits; avoid straining and spending too much time on the toilet.


Exercise plays a vital role in preventing and relieving bawasir pain. Low-impact activities like walking, yoga, and Kegel exercises can improve digestion, reduce strain, and promote healthy blood circulation. Avoid high-impact workouts that can aggravate symptoms and instead focus on gentle movements that support overall digestive health. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can effectively manage hemorrhoids and improve your quality of life.

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