Everything you need to know about piles

Everything you need to know about piles

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Everything you need to know about piles

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024


Piles, medically known as hemorrhoids, are a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite their prevalence, many individuals lack a thorough understanding of what hemorrhoids are and how they can be managed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about piles, including their causes, symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures.

What are Piles?

Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are enlarged, inflammatory veins found in the rectum and anus. They may appear on the outside, beneath the skin surrounding the anus, or internally, within the rectum. Inconvenience, pain, and occasionally blood during bowel motions can result from these enlarged veins. There are two primary forms of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids, which occur inside the rectum, and external hemorrhoids, which appear beneath the skin around the anus.

Causes of Piles:

Comprehending the fundamental reasons behind piles is essential for efficient handling. Hemorrhoids are frequently caused by the following common factors:

  1. Excessive straining during bowel movements can result in hemorrhoids by putting pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus. This is commonly the result of constipation.
  2. Chronic constipation or diarrhea: By creating tension and discomfort during bowel movements, irregular bowel habits like chronic constipation or diarrhea can make hemorrhoids worse.
  3. Prolonged sitting or standing: Prolonged sitting or standing can put more strain on the anus and lower rectum veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
  4. Obesity: Carrying a large weight or being obese can increase pelvic pressure, which can cause hemorrhoids to form or worsen.
  5. Pregnancy and childbirth: Women who are expecting are more likely to experience hemorrhoids due to hormonal changes and increased pelvic pressure. Furthermore, pushing during delivery might aggravate pre-existing hemorrhoids.
  6. Aging: Hemorrhoids are more prone to occur as we age because the tissues supporting the veins in the rectum and anus may deteriorate.
  7. Genetics: Some people may be more susceptible to hemorrhoids due to a genetic predisposition to the ailment.

Symptoms of Piles:

Depending on the kind and severity of the problem, piles symptoms might vary, however they may include:

  1. Rectal bleeding: Following bowel movements, bright red blood may be seen in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper.
  2. Itching or irritation: There may be discomfort caused by itching or irritation in the vicinity of the anus.
  3. Pain or discomfort: Pain or discomfort is possible, particularly when sitting or having bowel motions.
  4. Lump appearance: External hemorrhoids might resemble swollen lumps surrounding the anus.
  5. Fecal matter leaking: Hemorrhoids can occasionally result in fecal matter leakage, raising concerns about hygiene.

Diagnosis of Piles:

A comprehensive medical history and physical examination by a healthcare provider are usually necessary for the diagnosis of piles. To determine the scope and seriousness of the ailment, other tests such a sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, or digital rectal examination could be suggested in specific circumstances.

Treatment Options for Piles:

Depending on how severe the symptoms are, piles treatment options include:

  1. Lifestyle modifications: You can reduce symptoms and avoid recurrence by altering your food and bowel habits. It’s crucial to maintain hydration, eat a high-fiber diet, and refrain from straining when passing gas.
  2. Over-the-counter treatments: Hydrocortisone or witch hazel-containing topical lotions, ointments, and suppositories can reduce swelling, pain, and itching.
  3. Medical operations: In order to relieve symptoms, medical procedures such rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, or surgical removal may be required in cases of severe or persistent hemorrhoids.
  4. Home remedies: You can lessen the pain and inflammation brought on by hemorrhoids by using ice packs, warm baths, and over-the-counter painkillers.

Preventive Measures:

It is possible to stop piles from developing or from returning by making the following lifestyle and behavior changes:

  1. Keep your diet high in fiber: Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help you avoid constipation and encourage regular bowel movements.
  2. Keep yourself hydrated: Getting enough water throughout the day helps make stools softer and bowel motions easier.
  3. Exercise on a regular basis: Regular exercise helps to reduce constipation and improve digestion.
  4. Refrain from straining: Pay attention to your toilet habits and refrain from straining when having a bowel movement.
  5. Maintain proper hygiene by not using strong soaps or wipes, wiping excessively, and keeping the anal area dry and clean.

When to contact a doctor

If piles don’t go away after a week, the patient should see a doctor.Reliable Source for at-home therapy or if they frequently suffer from rectum hemorrhage.

How to Choose best doctor for Piles Treatment

Extensive investigation and assessment are necessary when choosing the top physician at Rohtak Bawasir Hospital for treating piles. Start by assessing the hospital’s standing and amenities to make sure they meet your needs for high-quality medical attention. Examine the credentials and background of the physicians who specialize in treating piles; be sure to check for training, experience, and a history of positive results. Evaluate how convenient and accessible the hospital is, taking into account things like location and appointment schedule. To obtain information on the patient experience and caliber of care, ask friends, family, and medical experts for recommendations. In the end, during the consultation process, give priority to efficient communication and a patient-centered approach. Select a physician who shows a dedication to your well-being, listens to your concerns, and clearly explains treatment alternatives.

Risk factors of Piles

  1. Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea: Unusual bowel motions can put pressure on the rectal veins, which might result in hemorrhoids. The risk of piles is increased by chronic constipation, which is characterized by difficult or infrequent bowel movements, and diarrhea, which can result in frequent and loose stools.
  2. Straining During Bowel Movements: Excessive straining during bowel movements can result in hemorrhoids by applying pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus. This is often caused by constipation or the need to pass firm stools.
  3. Pregnancy and Childbirth: Women are more likely to experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and increased pelvic pressure. Furthermore, pushing during childbirth can aggravate pre-existing hemorrhoids or cause new ones to form.
  4. Obesity: Carrying a large weight or being fat increases the pressure on the pelvic region, which raises the possibility of hemorrhoids. Additionally, poor bowel habits and constipation are risk factors that can be exacerbated by being overweight.
  5. Age: Prolonged sitting or standing for work or other activities can put strain on the veins in the lower rectum and anus, increasing the risk of hemorrhoids.
  6. Genetics: The rectum and anus veins’ supporting tissues may deteriorate with aging, raising the possibility of hemorrhoids developing. When it comes to hemorrhoids, older persons have a higher chance than younger ones.
  7. Some people may be genetically predisposed to hemorrhoids, which increases their susceptibility to the ailment. The chance of developing hemorrhoids may rise with a family history of the illness.
  8. Low-Fiber Diet: A low-fiber diet raises the risk of straining during bowel movements and hemorrhoids by causing constipation and hard stools. Fiber softens feces and aids in bowel regularity, which makes them easier to pass.
  9. Heavy Lifting: Exerting yourself physically or lifting a lot of weight can put pressure on the pelvis, which may result in hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids are sometimes referred to as piles. These can result in lumps in and around the anus. They are enlarged veins in the lower anus and rectum. The position and amount of piles can vary, and many people who have piles are unaware that they have them.

Overdoing it, persistent constipation, and straining to evacuate stool can all lead to piles. While noticeable, unpleasant piles can often be removed surgically, many piles disappear on their own.

Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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