Diet and Piles: Foods That Can Help or Hurt Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Diet and Piles: Foods That Can Help or Hurt Hemorrhoid Symptoms

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Diet and Piles: Foods That Can Help or Hurt Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus, sometimes referred to as piles. They may result in severe pain, bleeding, itching, and discomfort. Hemorrhoids are caused by a number of different circumstances, but food is a major element in both avoiding and treating this problem. We’ll look at meals that might make hemorrhoids worse as well as ones that can help with symptoms in this article.

Understanding Hemorrhoids

Prior to discussing the food component, it is important to know what hemorrhoids are and why they occur. There are two forms of hemorrhoids:

  1. Internal Hemorrhoids: Located inside the rectum, they are usually painless but can cause bleeding during bowel movements.
  2. External Hemorrhoids: Found under the skin around the anus, they can be painful and cause significant discomfort.

Common causes of hemorrhoids include straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation or diarrhea, prolonged sitting, and a low-fiber diet. Pregnant women are also at a higher risk due to increased pressure on the pelvic blood vessels.

The Role of Diet in Hemorrhoid Management

A well-balanced diet rich in fiber is crucial for preventing and managing hemorrhoids. Fiber helps soften the stool and increase its bulk, making it easier to pass and reducing the need to strain during bowel movements. Additionally, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining regular bowel movements.

Foods that Help Alleviate Hemorrhoid Symptoms

  1. High-Fiber Foods:
  • Whole Grains: Include whole grains in your diet, such as barley, quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat products. Excellent dietary fiber sources like these aid in preventing constipation.
  • Fruits: Rich in fiber, berries, apples, pears, and bananas support a healthy digestive system. Fruits with their skins on have more fiber.
  • Vegetables: Vegetables high in fiber, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, and leafy greens, can help avoid hemorrhoids.
  • Legumes: Great sources of dietary fiber for soups, salads, and main courses are beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and almonds are good sources of healthy fats and fiber for your diet.

2. Hydration:

  • To keep your stools soft, you must drink a lot of water. Make an effort to drink 8–10 glasses of water every day. Clear broths and herbal teas can also help you consume more fluids.

3. Probiotics:

  • Foods high in probiotics, such as fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt, support a balanced gut microbiome. A well-balanced stomach can lessen the chance of constipation and enhance digestion.

4. Healthy Fats:

  • Consuming fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and sardines) and avocados, among other healthful fat-rich foods, can help lubricate the intestines and facilitate bowel motions.

Foods to Avoid or Limit

  1. Low-Fiber Foods:
    • Processed Foods: Foods low in fiber and prone to constipation include white bread, white rice, pastries, and other processed grains.
    • Fast Food: The high fat content and poor fiber content of many fast food items might exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms.

2. Spicy Foods:

  • Foods high in spice have the potential to aggravate hemorrhoids by irritating the digestive system. It could be recommended to restrict your consumption of spicy foods if you are prone to hemorrhoids.

3. Caffeine and Alcohol:

  • Caffeine and alcohol are both known to dehydrate the body, which can result in firmer stools and more straining while going to the bathroom. To stay properly hydrated, cut back on your intake of alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

4. Red Meat:

  • Red meat may cause constipation since it is harder to digest. Choose lean protein sources such as fish, poultry, poultry, and plant-based proteins.

5. Dairy Products:

  • Dairy goods such as ice cream, cheese, and milk have been shown to induce constipation in certain individuals. Try cutting back on your dairy consumption and keep an eye out for any changes if you think it’s influencing your bowel movements.

Practical Tips for a Hemorrhoid-Friendly Diet

  1. Gradually Increase Fiber Intake:

    Introduce meals high in fiber gradually if you’re not used to eating a high-fiber diet to prevent bloating and gas. Portion sizes should be gradually increased from tiny beginnings.

  2. Stay Hydrated:

    Drink fluids during the day in addition to water. Always have a bottle of water with you, and take frequent sips.

  3. Mindful Eating:

    Eat slowly and fully chew your food. This facilitates digestion and lets your body tell when it’s full, which keeps you from overindulging.

  4. Regular Meals:

    Constipation can be avoided and stable digestion can be maintained by eating smaller, more frequent meals. Try to eat a variety of fiber-rich, protein-rich, and healthful fats in your meals.

  5. Physical Activity:

    Frequent exercise encourages a healthy digestive system and may help ward off constipation. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity.

  6. Avoid Straining:

    Don’t strain or hurry when having a bowel movement. If you find it challenging, consider raising your feet while seated on the toilet with a footstool. This may facilitate bowel movements that are more in line with nature.

Sample Meal Plan for Hemorrhoid Relief

To assist you in including items that are hemorrhoid-friendly in your diet, here is an example meal plan:


  • Overnight Oats: Mix together almond milk, mixed berries, chia seeds, and rolled oats. After letting it sit overnight, have a high-fiber breakfast.
  • Green Smoothie: Spinach, banana, Greek yogurt, flaxseeds, and a small amount of almond milk or water are blended together.

Mid-Morning Snack:

  • Apple Slices with Almond Butter: A combination of fiber and healthy fats.


  • Quinoa Salad: Add diced bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, and a squeeze of lemon juice and olive oil to the cooked quinoa.
  • Lentil Soup: Lentils, carrots, celery, and onions are combined to make this filling and high-fiber soup.

Afternoon Snack:

  • Yogurt with Berries: berries with lots of fiber on top of a snack heavy in probiotics.


  • Grilled Salmon: Served with brown rice and a serving of steamed broccoli.
  • Mixed Green Salad: Add walnuts, avocado, leafy greens, and a mild vinaigrette.

Evening Snack:

  • Chia Pudding: Made with coconut milk, chia seeds, and a small amount of honey.


Dietary management of hemorrhoids is a natural and efficient way to manage symptoms and avoid flare-ups. You can significantly improve your digestive health and reduce the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by consuming high-fiber meals, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding recognized dietary irritants. Remember that if your symptoms are severe or persistent, it’s better to speak with a healthcare provider for specific guidance and treatment choices.

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Piles 101: Everything You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids

Piles 101: Everything You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids

Piles 101: Everything You Need to Know About Hemorrhoids

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Hemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, are enlarged veins in the lower rectum or surrounding the anus. They are a common ailment that millions of individuals experience globally. Hemorrhoids are often not life-threatening and can be easily treated with the right care, despite the fact that they can be excruciating and uncomfortable. You can better grasp piles’ causes, symptoms, treatments, and preventative actions with the aid of this extensive information.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

There are two forms of hemorrhoids: internal and external. External hemorrhoids are felt and seen beneath the skin around the anus, but internal hemorrhoids are found inside the rectum and are not visible. A number of circumstances can lead to increased pressure in the anus and rectum, which can swell the veins and cause hemorrhoids.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

Several factors can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids:

  1. Straining During Bowel Movements: Among the most frequent causes is this one. Straining can cause edema by putting more strain on the rectum and anus veins.
  2. Chronic Constipation or Diarrhea: Both illnesses have the potential to produce severe straining and discomfort, which can lead to hemorrhoid development.
  3. Sitting for Long Periods: The strain on the anal veins can rise with prolonged durations of sitting or using the restroom.
  4. Obesity: Carrying too much weight around might exacerbate the pressure on the pelvic and rectal veins.
  5. Pregnancy: Because of the increased strain on the abdomen and hormonal changes during pregnancy, women are more prone to hemorrhoids.
  6. Low-Fiber Diet: A low-fiber diet might cause constipation, which makes bowel motions difficult.
  7. Heavy Lifting: Heavy lifting on a regular basis might raise abdominal pressure and result in hemorrhoids.
  8. Aging: Hemorrhoids are more likely to occur as we age because the tissues supporting the veins in the rectum and anus might weaken and strain.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Depending on where and how severe they are, hemorrhoids can present with a variety of symptoms. Typical signs and symptoms include of:

  1. Rectal Bleeding: Hemorrhoids are frequently indicated by bright red blood on the toilet paper, in the stool, or in the toilet bowl.
  2. Itching and Irritation: Around the anus, hemorrhoids can cause discomfort and irritation.
  3. Pain and Discomfort: External hemorrhoids may cause discomfort, particularly when seated or having a bowel movement.
  4. Swelling: A hemorrhage external to the anus may be indicated by a bulge or swelling nearby.
  5. Mucus Discharge: A mucus flow from internal hemorrhoids may cause irritation and inflammation.

Diagnosing Hemorrhoids

For a precise diagnosis, it’s critical to speak with a healthcare professional if you exhibit hemorrhoidal symptoms. A physical examination by a physician may involve the following:

  1. Visual Inspection: Visual inspection is often the most reliable method of diagnosing external hemorrhoids.
  2. Digital Rectal Examination: To check for internal hemorrhoids, a medical professional may stick a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum.
  3. Anoscopy: During this treatment, internal hemorrhoids are checked for in the lower rectum and anus using a short, illuminated tube.

If the patient is over 50 years old or there is severe rectal bleeding, further testing such as a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be advised to rule out other illnesses.

Treatment Options for Hemorrhoids

The treatment region is efficiently sterilised by the high energy of the laser beam, which lowers the risk of infection and speeds up healing.

Home Remedies
  1. High-Fiber Diet: Eating a high-fiber diet can assist in reducing straining during bowel motions and softening stools. Good sources of fiber include whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.
  2. Hydration: Constipation can be avoided and easy bowel movements can be achieved by drinking lots of liquids.
  3. Warm Sitz Baths: Relieving discomfort and reducing swelling can be achieved by taking frequent 10-to 15-minute warm baths throughout the day.
  4. Topical Treatments: Itching and soreness can be relieved, inflammation can be decreased, and suppositories and ointments available over-the-counter can help.
  5. Cold Compresses: Ice packs might help numb the discomfort and reduce swelling in the affected area.
Medical Treatments
  1. Rubber Band Ligation: During this operation, the base of an internal hemorrhoid is wrapped with a thin rubber band to cut off its blood supply, causing the hemorrhoid to contract and fall out.
  2. Sclerotherapy: The hemorrhoid is injected with a chemical solution, which causes it to contract.
  3. Infrared Coagulation: With this treatment, the hemorrhoid clots and shrinks due to the application of infrared light.
  4. Hemorrhoidectomy: In extreme situations, the hemorrhoid may need to be surgically removed. Large external hemorrhoids or those that don’t respond to conventional therapies are often the only cases when this surgery is used.
  5. Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy: Hemorrhoidal tissue is stapled back into place during this treatment, which causes the hemorrhoid to shrink and lose blood flow.

Preventing Hemorrhoids

Even if they can’t always be avoided, the following healthy behaviors can lower the chance of getting hemorrhoids:

  1. Eat a High-Fiber Diet: Try to consume at least 25–30 grams of fiber per day to avoid constipation and maintain soft stools.
  2. Stay Hydrated: To assist maintain regular bowel motions, drink a lot of water.
  3. Exercise Regularly: Engaging in physical activity can alleviate vein pressure and help avoid constipation.
  4. Avoid Straining: When having bowel motions, take your time and try not to strain. Do not hesitate to leave if you have the urge.
  5. Limit Sitting Time: Avoid spending a lot of time sitting, especially while using the restroom, and take breaks.
  6. Practice Good Hygiene: In order to avoid inflammation and itching, keep the anal area dry and clean.


Although they can be painful and uncomfortable, hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are typically treatable with the right care. It is crucial to comprehend the origins, signs, and available treatments for hemorrhoids in order to manage them successfully. You may avoid and manage hemorrhoids and ensure a higher quality of life by implementing healthy lifestyle practices and getting medical advice when needed.

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Say Good Bye Painless Piles: Complete Laser Treatment Guide

Say Good Bye Painless Piles: Complete Laser Treatment Guide

Say Good Bye Painless Piles: Complete Laser Treatment Guide

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Goodbye Painless Piles: A Comprehensive Guide to Laser Treatment, Haemorrhoids, another name for piles, are a painful and uncomfortable ailment that affects millions of individuals globally. Treatments for piles have historically been linked to severe discomfort and drawn-out recuperation periods. But with to developments in medical technology, pile treatment has been completely transformed, and patients now have access to a very safe and efficient less invasive option: laser treatment. We are pleased to offer laser treatment for piles at Rohtak Bawasir Hospital (Best Hospital in Rohtak for Piles Treatment), giving patients effective and safe pain and discomfort alleviation.

What is Piles ?

The rectum and anus have bulging, inflammatory veins called piles, which can hurt, itch, bleed, and cause discomfort. They may appear outwardly, around the anus, or internally, within the rectum. Increased pressure on the veins in the rectal region, which can be brought on by a number of conditions including long-term constipation, straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, or an inactive lifestyle, is frequently the cause of piles.

Traditional vs. Laser Treatment

Topical medicines, rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and surgical techniques like hemorrhoids are among the conventional treatments for piles. Although these therapies have the potential to be very beneficial, they may also cause severe pain, suffering, and extended recovery times.

Laser treatment for piles, on the other hand, offers several advantages over traditional methods:

1. Minimally Invasive:

There are no incisions needed and only local anaesthetic needed for the least invasive laser treatment of piles. As a result, there is no discomfort, little bleeding, and quicker healing times.

2. Precision and Accuracy :

“to encircle healthy tissue and lower the possibility of complications.”

3. Reduced Risk of Infection:

The treatment region is efficiently sterilised by the high energy of the laser beam, which lowers the risk of infection and speeds up healing.

4. Quick Procedure:

In most cases, piles laser treatment is done as an outpatient operation that takes a few minutes to finish, allowing patients to go back home the same day.

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Piles

  1. Minimally Invasive: Compared to traditional surgery, laser treatment requires fewer cuts and incisions, which lessens stress to the surrounding tissues and lessens discomfort following surgery.

  2. Precision and Accuracy: Laser beams carefully target the hemorrhoidal tissue that is afflicted, minimizing harm to good tissue and guaranteeing efficient therapy.

  3. Reduced Pain and Discomfort: The capacity of laser treatment to shut nerve endings when treating hemorrhoids is one of its biggest benefits, as it reduces pain both during and after the process.

  4. Quick Recovery: When receiving laser treatment for piles, patients usually recover more quickly than when having standard surgery. Most are back to their regular routines in a few days.

  5. Minimal Bleeding: By cauterizing blood vessels throughout the process, the laser lowers the chance of bleeding during and after the procedure.

  6. Outpatient Procedure: Typically, piles are treated with laser therapy as an outpatient operation, which spares patients from being admitted to the hospital and lets them heal in the comfort of their own homes.

How Laser Treatment Works

A customized laser instrument is used by the surgeon to focus light beams onto the hemorrhoidal tissue during laser treatment for piles. The hemorrhoids’ blood vessels constrict and eventually disappear as a result of the laser energy’s coagulation. It may take several sessions to get the best results, depending on the location and severity of the hemorrhoids.

Preparing for Laser Treatment

Prior to receiving laser treatment for piles, patients usually have a comprehensive assessment performed by a medical professional. To determine the degree and severity of the hemorrhoids, this evaluation consists of a physical examination and potentially further testing. Patients are instructed to adhere to particular pre-operative guidelines, which could include dietary adjustments and a temporary stop to some drugs that might have an impact on bleeding.


In summary, pile therapy with lasers provides a cutting-edge and practical substitute for conventional surgical methods. Many patients with hemorrhoids now choose it over other options due to its low invasiveness, low pain, short recovery periods, and high success rates. Speak with a licensed healthcare professional about your options, advantages, and anticipated results if you’re thinking about undergoing laser treatment for piles. With laser treatment, bid adieu to uncomfortable piles and welcome a more pleasant and healthful way of living.

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Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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Best Way to Cure Piles in 3 Days : Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Best Way to Cure Piles in 3 Days : Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Best Way to Cure Piles in 3 Days : Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

What is Piles? – Cure Piles in 3 Days

Haemorrhoids, another name for piles, are a prevalent ailment that affects millions of individuals globally. These are painful, itchy, and occasionally bleeding enlarged veins in the rectum and anus. The good news is that with the right care and lifestyle modifications, piles can be healed in three days.

Internal and external piles are the two different kinds of heaps. External piles are located outside the anus and can be quite painful, but internal piles are located inside the rectum and are typically harmless. Itching, soreness, bleeding, and discomfort during bowel movements are some of the signs and symptoms of piles.

Some Effective Ways to Cure Piles in Three Days:

  • Increase Fiber Intake: One of the main causes of piles is constipation, which may be avoided by eating a diet rich in fiber, which also helps to soften stools. Legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are all excellent providers of fiber.
  • Hydrate: In addition to being beneficial for general health, being hydrated can help avoid piles. In order to maintain soft stools and avoid constipation, try to consume at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Use Over-the-Counter Creams and Ointments: The symptoms of piles can be reduced using a variety of over-the-counter lotions and ointments. Hydrocortisone and witch hazel are two components in these treatments that help lessen discomfort, swelling, and itching.
  • Sitz baths: To assist ease the pain associated with piles, try taking a sitz bath, which entails sitting in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes. To relieve pain, repeat this multiple times a day.
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements: During bowel movements, straining may exacerbate piles symptoms. Make sure you take a restroom break as soon as you feel the need, and try not to resist it, to prevent straining. Additionally, straining and constipation can be avoided by utilizing a stool softener.
  • Exercise Regularly: Frequent exercise can enhance overall gut function and help avoid constipation. Try to engage in vigorous physical activity, such as cycling or brisk walking, for at least 30 minutes per day.
  • Avoid Standing or Sitting for Long Periods: Prolonged sitting or standing might exacerbate piles symptoms by putting pressure on the rectum and anus veins. Make sure you take rests and stretch your legs from time to time to prevent this.

In conclusion, with the appropriate care and lifestyle modifications, piles can be treated in three days. Effective strategies to reduce piles symptoms include eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of water, using over-the-counter lotions and ointments, having sitz baths, exercising frequently, avoiding extended standing or sitting, and avoiding straining during bowel movements. It’s critical to visit a doctor for additional assessment and treatment if your symptoms are severe or bleeding.

Furthermore, a few natural cures might hasten the healing process and lessen piles’ symptoms. Here are some to think about:

Medicine for Piles

1. Aloe Vera:

Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, aloe vera can help calm the skin and lessen the swelling brought on by piles. To take advantage of the benefits, just consume aloe vera juice or apply the gel directly to the affected region.

2. Witch hazel:

An all-natural astringent that can help lessen pile-related discomfort and swelling is witch hazel. To relieve the troubled area, dab some witch hazel onto a cotton ball.

3. Ice packs:

Ice packs can assist numb and reduce swelling in the affected area, offering momentary pain and discomfort relief. Just place a few ice cubes on the affected area and cover with a towel for ten to fifteen minutes at a time.

4. Coconut oil:

Because of its hydrating and anti-inflammatory qualities, coconut oil can help calm the skin and lessen the burning and itching that come with piles. All you have to do is dab the afflicted region several times a day with coconut oil.

5. Psyllium husk:

A soluble fiber that can help control bowel movements and avoid constipation is psyllium husk, which lowers the likelihood of piles forming. Drink a glass of water with one teaspoon of psyllium husk mixed in it every day.

It is crucial to remember that these cures should be taken in conjunction with other doctor-prescribed therapies and cannot be used in place of professional medical care. It’s critical to visit a doctor for additional assessment and treatment if your symptoms are severe or bleeding.

In conclusion, piles can be a painful and annoying condition, but they can be properly treated and cured in three days with the right care and lifestyle modifications. Among the crucial actions to take include a high-fiber diet, plenty of water, over-the-counter lotions and ointments, sitz baths, exercise, and avoiding extended standing or sitting. Using over-the-counter treatments like psyllium husk, witch hazel, ice packs, coconut oil, and aloe vera can also help relieve symptoms more quickly. Speak with a physician to receive individualized care and to find the best course of action for your particular situation.

Piles Treatment with Laser: Piles Laser Treatment

One least invasive method for treating piles, or hemorrhoids, is laser treatment. In order to lessen symptoms like pain, bleeding, and discomfort, a laser is utilized to reduce and eliminate the pile during the treatment.

The benefits of laser treatment for piles include:

  • Minimal invasion: Because laser treatment for piles is minimally intrusive, there is less pain and scarring compared to standard surgical techniques.
  • Quick recovery: When undergoing laser treatment, patients usually recover more quickly than with conventional surgical methods.
  • Effective results: Numerous patients report a notable improvement in their symptoms following laser treatment, which has been demonstrated to be an effective alternative for treating piles.
  • Fewer complications: When compared to conventional surgical methods, pile therapy with lasers carries a reduced risk of consequences.

The entire treatment can be completed in 30 to 60 minutes on an outpatient basis, allowing the patient to return home the same day. It is crucial to remember that not every patient will benefit from laser treatment, and the best course of action will depend on the specifics of each case as well as the severity of the ailment.

To find out if laser treatment is the best choice for your particular situation, it is best to speak with a doctor. Personalized guidance and treatment options based on your unique requirements and medical background will be available from them.

How to Prevent Piles and Reduce Symptoms of Piles?

The following are some strategies to avoid piles and lessen their symptoms:

  1. Increase fiber intake: Increasing your consumption of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will help control your bowel movements and keep you from becoming constipated, which lowers your chance of getting piles.
  2. Stay hydrated: By keeping feces soft and preventing constipation, drinking lots of water and other liquids can lower the likelihood of developing piles.
  3. Exercise regularly: Frequent exercise lowers the risk of piles development by promoting a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation.
  4. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing: Prolonged standing or sitting might put more strain on the anus veins, raising the possibility of piles developing. This can be avoided by taking frequent breaks and getting up and about.
  5. Avoid straining during bowel movements: During bowel motions, straining could put more pressure on the veins in the anus, which raises the possibility of piles developing. Using a stool to raise one’s feet while using the toilet is one way to decrease straining, which can help lower the chance of getting piles.
  6. Use over-the-counter creams and ointments: The itching and burning sensations associated with piles can be lessened using over-the-counter lotions and ointments, such as those that contain hydrocortisone.
  7. Sitz baths: Sitz baths, which involve immersing the afflicted area in warm water for ten to fifteen minutes at a period, can help ease pile-related pain and swelling.

It’s crucial to visit a doctor in addition to taking these precautions if you have ongoing symptoms or bleeding. To help control and stop further instances of piles, they might offer additional assessment and therapy.

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Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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6 Yogasanas for Piles: Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids

6 Yogasanas for Piles: Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids

6 Yogasanas for Piles: Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024


Hemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, can be painful and uncomfortable, which can lower someone’s quality of life. While visiting the top piles doctor in Rohtak for treatment is imperative, adding yoga to your practise can alleviate symptoms and support medical attention. At the renowned Rohtak Bawasir Hospital, where Drs. Raj Kumar and Rahul Garg specialize in treating piles non-surgically, we embrace holistic methods for managing hemorrhoids. This article will discuss six yoga poses for piles that may be used to naturally cure and prevent hemorrhoids. It will also emphasize the significance of seeking the advice of Delhi’s top proctologist for complete care.

Understanding Hemorrhoids and Yoga

Hemorrhoids are characterized by swelling and inflammation of the veins in the rectum or anus, which can cause pain, itching, and bleeding during bowel movements. Yoga, an age-old discipline that incorporates physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, might lessen the symptoms of hemorrhoids by enhancing circulation, lowering inflammation, and encouraging calmness.

The Top 6 Yogasanas for Hemorrhoids

1. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Benefits: Vajrasana facilitates regular bowel movements, strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, and enhances digestion.

How to Do: With your legs together and your toes pointing back, drop to your knees on the ground. Supine posture and maintain a straight back. With your palms facing down, place your hands on your thighs or knees. After a few breaths, hold the pose and then release.

2. Malasana (Garland Pose)

Benefits: Malasana releases tension and enhances circulation in the anal area by stretching the muscles of the groin and pelvis.

How to Do: With your feet flat on the ground and broader than hip-width apart, squat down. Maintaining your heels on the floor, sag your hips toward the floor. For balance, bring your palms together in front of your chest. After a few breaths, hold the pose and then carefully come back up.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Benefits: Bhujangasana enhances spinal flexibility, tones the muscles in the lower back, and promotes healthy digestion.

How to Do: Stretch your legs out and place your palms on the ground next to your chest while lying on your stomach. Breathe in while keeping your elbows close to your body and raising your chest off the ground. Using your glutes, press the tops of your feet into the ground. After a few breaths, hold the pose and then release.

4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Benefits: In addition to stretching the spine, hamstrings, and calves, uttanasana also enhances blood flow to the pelvic area.

How to Do: Maintaining a straight spine, stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend forward at the hips. Reach your hands to the ground or grasp onto your ankles while letting your torso hang over your legs. After a few breaths, hold the pose and then carefully come back up.

5. Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

Benefits: Pavanamuktasana lowers abdominal pressure, encourages bowel motions, and aids in the release of gas and bloating.

How to Do: With your arms by your sides and your legs outstretched, lie on your back. Bring your knees up to your chest by bending them. Clasp your hands together and put your arms over your knees. To give yourself a lower back massage, rock gently from side to side. After a few breaths, hold the pose and then release.

6. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclining Spinal Twist)

Benefits: Supta Matsyendrasana enhances digestion and fosters relaxation while releasing tension in the hips, spine, and lower back.

How to Do: With your arms out to the sides and your palms facing downward, lie on your back. Turn your hips to the right and bend your knees. Bend your knees to the left and look over your shoulder to the right. After holding the position for a few breaths, switch to the opposite side.

Incorporating Yoga into Your Routine

Regularly performing these yoga poses will help reduce hemorrhoid discomfort and enhance general health. Before beginning any new fitness regimen, you should, however, speak with Dr. Raj Kumar, the top piles doctor in Rohtak, particularly if you have any underlying medical issues.

Seeking Comprehensive Piles Treatment in Rohtak

Although yoga may help control hemorrhoids, it’s crucial to get thorough therapy from a trained specialist. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, Dr. Raj Kumar is an expert in treating piles non-surgically. He provides individualized care and creative hemorrhoid alleviation methods. Dr. Raj Kumar, the top proctologist in Delhi, offers comprehensive and successful treatment options by fusing conventional medical procedures with age-old Ayurvedic principles.


Including yoga poses in your regular practice can help you manage and avoid hemorrhoids naturally. You can take proactive measures to improve your digestive health and general well-being by routinely practicing yoga for piles and consulting with Dr. Raj Kumar, the top ayurvedic doctor for piles in Rohtak. Accept the advantages of yoga and give your health top priority with the professional care of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital, which offers cutting-edge non-operative piling treatment.

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Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment

10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment

10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

The medical industry has experienced a transformation due to recent technological breakthroughs, like many other businesses. Laser therapy is one such technical advancement that has grown in popularity recently. There are many advantages to laser therapy, including better accuracy, less scarring, quicker healing, and a lower chance of infection. Given these benefits, it makes sense that an increasing number of medical professionals are using laser technology for a variety of treatments.

In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 benefits of choosing laser treatment

Benefits of laser treatment

Due to its speed and convenience, laser therapy is becoming increasingly necessary. The top 10 arguments in favor of laser therapy over surgery are listed below.

1. Reduces pain

With no known negative effects and quick pain and inflammation alleviation, laser therapy is a cutting-edge technique. High-energy light waves are applied to the damaged area during the therapy to stimulate the body’s cells and hasten the healing process. Because laser therapy is non-invasive and non-toxic, in contrast to standard therapies, it is a great option for anyone looking for a natural way to relieve pain. With laser therapy, you can resume living life to the fullest even if you have acute or chronic pain.

2. Heals sprain and strain

As a result of technological advancements, laser therapy is becoming a more and more common way to help sprains and strains heal. With the rapid reduction of inflammation and stimulation of tissue regeneration that this non-invasive therapy may provide, recovery durations and mobility will be accelerated. The operation usually causes little to no discomfort for the patient, and the results are noticeable practically immediately. For people looking for a secure and efficient substitute for conventional physical therapy or medication, laser treatment is a potential solution.

3. Treats injuries superficially

It has been demonstrated that laser treatment works well for treating superficial wounds and ulcers. Actually, a growing number of people are choosing laser treatment as a treatment choice for a wide range of ailments. This non-invasive process takes little to no downtime and is quick and effective. Healthcare practitioners can accelerate recovery by stimulating the body’s natural healing response and targeting injured tissue with a precision laser beam.

4. Improves local blood circulation

It has been demonstrated that laser treatment is a quick and efficient way to increase local blood circulation. State-of-the-art technology is used in this non-invasive process to stimulate the afflicted area with concentrated light energy. This aids in triggering microcirculation, which lessens inflammation and speeds up the healing process. Following laser treatment sessions, patients frequently report feeling better and experiencing relief from their ailments.

5. Causes no blood loss

Medical procedures have been transformed by laser treatment, particularly those that involve surgery. The decrease in blood loss during treatment is another factor contributing to this. Large incisions are necessary for standard surgical techniques, which results in considerable blood loss and lengthens the healing period. Nevertheless, the tiny incisions made during laser treatment greatly reduce the amount of blood lost throughout the process.

6. Short stays in hospitals

Due to the minimally invasive nature of this procedure and its ability to accelerate healing and reduce scarring, patients should expect a relatively brief hospital stay. Laser therapy has been effective in treating a variety of ailments, including malignant tumors and skin disorders. Many patients choose it over traditional surgical treatments because it is believed to have fewer risks and negative effects. Furthermore, lasers may target specific problem areas very effectively while sparing surrounding healthy tissues because of their remarkable precision.

7. Safer alternative to surgery

When surgery is not required, it has been found to be a safe and efficient way to treat a variety of problems. When compared to traditional surgery, laser treatment is a less invasive method with a lower chance of side effects. Patients frequently select laser treatment over surgery because they want less recovery time, a decreased chance of problems, and a shorter recovery period.

8. Less expensive

Although surgery remains a required option in many circumstances, laser treatment is frequently less expensive, less invasive, and less painful than other options. This is due to the lack of substantial healing or the requirement for incisions. Rather, the area that has to be treated is targeted by the laser beam, which lowers the possibility of problems and speeds up patients’ recuperation.

9. Minimally invasive

Through a tiny skin incision, laser therapy has grown in popularity as a minimally invasive surgery. Laser technology has quickly advanced to satisfy patient needs for less invasive treatment choices, providing a secure and reliable solution for a variety of ailments. Laser therapy is a promising alternative that is worth investigating whether you’re looking for treatment for a benign lesion or a more serious medical condition.

10. No Recurrence

The recurrence rate of wounds has been reduced to less than 1% by using laser method, as opposed to the industry standard of 20–25%, which is also monitored continuously. The issue is circumferentially vaporized and treated with defined laser intensity, sparing the surrounding muscle.
Laser surgery is speedy, accurate, and has excellent recovery after the procedure.


Its efficacy in treating a variety of illnesses and non-invasive nature have contributed to its increasing popularity throughout time. Its use has been approved by the FDA, and a wealth of data from in-depth research studies attest to its effectiveness. Patients have experienced notable reductions in pain and increased mobility, so it’s a good alternative for people looking to add to their current treatment plans.

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Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

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Why Are Do’s and Don’ts Important During Piles?

Why Are Do’s and Don’ts Important During Piles?

Why Are Do’s and Don’ts Important During Piles?

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024


Hemorrhoids, or piles, are enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus that can be painful and bleeding. Effective management and recovery of piles depend on an understanding of the dos and don’ts. The top piles physician in Rohtak, Dr. Raj Kumar, offers insightful consultations at the Rohtak Bawasir Hospital for individuals in need of professional guidance and care. This blog will discuss the importance of following certain rules and how doing so can greatly enhance your health.

Understanding Piles

Before diving into self-help remedies, it’s important to understand what piles are and what causes them. Both internal and exterior piles are possible (within the rectum) (under the skin around the anus). Typical signs and symptoms include of:

  • Pain or discomfort, especially during bowel movements
  • Itching or irritation around the anal region
  • Swelling around the anus
  • Bleeding during bowel movements

Prolonged sitting, a low-fiber diet, obesity, straining during bowel movements, and persistent constipation are all factors that might lead to the formation of piles.

The Importance of Dos and Don’ts

  • Preventing Complications: Taking the appropriate precautions can stop piles from getting worse. Ignoring symptoms or engaging in unhealthy behaviors can result in serious side effects including prolapsed or thrombosed piles, which may need more extensive medical care.
  • Promoting Healing: Adequate attention and lifestyle modifications can expedite the healing process. Modest dietary adjustments and good hygiene practices can reduce symptoms and hasten healing.
  • Reducing Recurrence: You can drastically lower the likelihood that piles will reoccur by following preventive actions. Long-term relief depends on knowing what causes piles and avoiding these triggers.
  • Minimizing Discomfort: Following advised procedures can reduce pain and enhance your quality of life. Effective symptom management enables you to carry on with everyday tasks without experiencing any major disruptions.

Do's for Managing Piles

  • Seek Professional Help Early: Speak with a piles specialist is the first and most important step. Early intervention is emphasized by Dr. Raj Kumar, who is renowned for offering the best piles treatment in Delhi. A speedier recovery and prevention of the condition’s progression are possible with early identification and treatment.
  • Maintain a High-Fiber Diet: A high-fiber diet is necessary to avoid constipation and soften feces. To encourage regular bowel movements and lessen straining, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in your diet.
  • Stay Hydrated: Maintaining soft stools makes bowel motions easier and less uncomfortable. Drinking lots of water helps with this. Try to drink eight glasses of water or more each day to maintain a healthy digestive tract.
  • Exercise Regularly: Constipation is avoided and bowel function is stimulated by exercise. Engaging in physical activities such as yoga, swimming, and walking can help maintain an active digestive tract and lower the chance of piles.
  • Practice Good Hygiene: It’s important to keep the anal region dry and clean. To avoid irritation and illness, use unscented wipes or wash with warm water after having bowel movements.
  • Use Over-the-Counter Remedies: Many over-the-counter lotions and ointments are available to treat the symptoms of piles. These can offer momentary solace from itchiness, discomfort, and edema.
  • Follow a Consistent Bowel Routine: Constipation can be avoided and the pressure on your rectal veins can be decreased by establishing a regular bowel habit. When the urge to urinate strikes, act quickly to prevent the stool from becoming firm.

Don’ts for Managing Piles

  • Avoid Straining During Bowel Movements: Straining might exacerbate piles by putting more strain on the rectum’s veins. While having bowel motions, relax and take your time.
  • Don’t Ignore Symptoms: Ignoring the signs of piles might have negative consequences. The greatest piles doctor in Rohtak, Dr. Raj Kumar, can provide you with expert assistance if you are experiencing ongoing pain, bleeding, or discomfort.
  • Refrain from Heavy Lifting: Lifting large things puts more strain on the abdomen and can make piles worse. To reduce strain, try to avoid heavy lifting or utilize the right techniques.
  • Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Prolonged standing or sitting might make heaps worse. If your profession requires you to stand or sit for extended periods of time, take regular breaks to stretch and get some air.
  • Limit Intake of Processed Foods: Because processed foods frequently contain little fiber, they may cause constipation. Reduce your intake of frozen dinners, quick food, and sugar- and fat-laden snacks.
  • Don’t Use Dry Toilet Paper: The delicate anal region may become irritated when using dry toilet paper. After bowel motions, use moist wipes or a warm water rinse.
  • Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol have the potential to cause constipation and dehydration. Reducing their consumption can facilitate easier bowel movements and preserve soft stools.

Expert Care at Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Dr. Raj Kumar provides extensive non-surgical treatment options for piles at Sushruta Anorectal Institute. His method emphasizes individualized treatment while utilizing cutting-edge methods and Ayurvedic concepts to guarantee efficient relief without the need for invasive treatments.

  • Kshar Sutra Therapy: Medicated thread is used to cure piles in this Ayurvedic remedy. It is a less invasive process that efficiently shrinks heaps and speeds up the healing process.
  • Infrared Coagulation (IRC): Infrared radiation is used in IRC, a non-surgical technique, to coagulate the blood vessels supplying the piles, causing them to contract and recede.
  • Rubber Band Ligation: In order to stop the pile’s blood supply, a little rubber band must be wrapped around its base. Eventually, the pile comes down, relieving the symptoms.
  • Sclerotherapy: By injecting a solution into the piles, sclerosing and eventually eliminating them, is the goal of sclerosing therapy.

The greatest option for treating piles in Delhi is Dr. Raj Kumar because of his experience and commitment to patient care. His non-surgical method guarantees little discomfort and a speedy recuperation, enabling patients to quickly resume their regular life.

Meet Our Specialists

Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

40+ Years of Experience

Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

15+ Years of Experience


Adherence to particular dos and don’ts together with expert medical treatment are necessary for effective pile management. Recognizing the significance of these recommendations will help to avoid problems, accelerate recovery, and lower the risk of recurrence. Dr. Raj Kumar at Rohtak Bawasir Hospital provides skilled care and cutting-edge non-surgical alternatives for people looking for the best piles treatment in Delhi.

You can effectively manage piles and enhance your quality of life by adhering to these expert-recommended techniques and getting timely medical attention. Avoid letting piles interfere with your everyday activities by being proactive and speaking with Dr. Raj Kumar to start the healing process.

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Self-Help to Get Relief from Irritation or Pain Related to Piles?

Self-Help to Get Relief from Irritation or Pain Related to Piles?

Self-Help to Get Relief from Irritation or Pain Related to Piles?

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus that frequently cause pain, discomfort, and irritability. In severe cases, medical intervention is necessary, although there are several self-help techniques that can offer substantial relief and aid in symptom management. This blog examines different self-care techniques to lessen the discomfort brought on by piles.

Understanding Piles

Before diving into self-help remedies, it’s important to understand what piles are and what causes them. Both internal and exterior piles are possible (within the rectum) (under the skin around the anus). Typical signs and symptoms include of:

  • Pain or discomfort, especially during bowel movements
  • Itching or irritation around the anal region
  • Swelling around the anus
  • Bleeding during bowel movements

Prolonged sitting, a low-fiber diet, obesity, straining during bowel movements, and persistent constipation are all factors that might lead to the formation of piles.

Self-Help Strategies for Relief

1. Dietary Changes

Increase Fiber Intake: A high-fiber diet can aid in softening feces, easing passage and minimizing the need for straining. Incorporate foods like:

  • Whole grains (oats, brown rice, whole wheat)
  • Fruits (apples, pears, berries)
  • Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, leafy greens)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas)

Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is essential. Try to drink eight glasses of water or more each day to assist maintain soft stools.

2. Regular Exercise

Constipation can be avoided and vein pressure can be decreased with regular exercise. Exercises like yoga, swimming, and walking are good for you.

3. Proper Bathroom Habits

  • Avoid Straining: Restrained bowel movements might make piles worse. Don’t rush things and don’t exert too much pressure.
  • Don’t Delay: Give in to the impulse to go potty right away. Stools can get more challenging and challenging to pass if you wait.
  • Use a Squatting Position: When sitting on the toilet, elevating your feet with a tiny stool can help align the rectum to facilitate better bowel movements.

4. Topical Treatments and Sitz Baths

  • Topical Treatments: Temporary pain and itching relief can be obtained using over-the-counter lotions and ointments. Seek for products that include witch hazel or hydrocortisone.
  • Sitz Baths: Reducing swelling and discomfort can be achieved by soaking the anal area many times a day in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, especially after bowel movements.

5. Cold Compresses

Applying ice packs or cold packs that have been wrapped in a cloth to the injured region might help numb the pain and reduce swelling. One to ten minutes at a time, use.

6. Avoid Irritants

Steer clear of perfumed toilet paper and soaps since these can irritate the anal region. Select gentle, unscented products.

7. Wear Loose, Comfortable Clothing

Cotton undergarments and clothes that fit loosely might help keep the anal area dry and less irritated.

8. Pain Relievers

Pain can be managed with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. However, before taking any drug, speak with your physician.

When to See a Doctor

Even if self-help techniques can offer substantial comfort, it’s crucial to speak with a healthcare provider if:

  • There is persistent bleeding
  • The pain is severe
  • Home treatments do not provide relief
  • You notice any unusual symptoms

Prompt intervention helps avert issues and provide suitable medical care.

Meet Our Specialists

Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

40+ Years of Experience

Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

15+ Years of Experience


It’s common for pile management to involve dietary adjustments, good toilet habits, and other self-care practices. You can greatly lessen the pain and discomfort brought on by piles by implementing these techniques into your regular practice. Never forget to seek professional medical advice if your symptoms intensify or persist in order to make sure you receive the right care.

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Worried about piles here everything you need to know

Worried about piles here everything you need to know

Worried about piles here everything you need to know

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Piles Surgery

The pain of piles affects around 10 million Indians annually, and the condition is becoming more and more common due to stress, sleeplessness, constipation, and the sedentary lifestyle that urbanites lead.

Enlarged and protruding blood vessels are called piles. They form in and around the anus and are also known as hemorrhoids. The lower rectal area is infected by piles. Both inside and outside the anus can host their development.

Piles inside the anus are called internal hemorrhoids. Lower rectum piles are known as external hemorrhoids. Based on how severe they are, piles are divided into four categories:

  • first degree with no prolapse and simply bleeding
  • Prolapse in the second degree, although it spontaneously decreased
  • Third-degree requiring manual reduction due to prolapse
  • Fourth degree with prolapse that is irreversible.


There is extreme tension on the blood vessels surrounding the anus or lower rectum. That’s the time piles appear. A number of innocuous behaviors can lead to heaps. These include eating poorly and spending a lot of time in one position. The following circumstances can heighten the likelihood of pile formation:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Heavy weightlifting
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Anal intercourse
  • Sitting on lavatory for a long time


Based on their nature and frequency, piles can differ. Among the typical symptoms are:

  • Tender lumps around the anus
  • Anal itching
  • Anal pain
  • Rectal bleeding in case of internal piles
  • Piles prolapsing from the anus

Treatment Options

Based on the severity of the piles, treat them. Several important treatment choices include:

  • Treatments at home are intended for minor symptoms. These include eating foods high in fiber, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding straining the bowels.
  • Medication includes stool softeners and over-the-counter pain relievers.
    See a physician if the discomfort continues.
  • Ointments, suppositories, and medications are quick treatment choices.
    Larger and more serious hemorrhoids should be surgically repaired.

Laser Hemorrhoid Surgery

A less invasive laparoscopic surgery, laser therapy is an outpatient procedure. A little laser beam is used in the procedure to remove the tissue. It has no effect on the surrounding healthy tissues. For a variety of reasons, people favor laser treatment for piles. For acute symptoms, laser pile surgery is the recommended course of action.

There are a number of drawbacks to traditional surgery. These include the healing period and pain following surgery. It takes longer to recuperate. Post-surgical problems also exist.

Advantages of Laser Piles Surgery

Laser Piles Surgery has a number of benefits. Among these benefits are:

  • One common side effect of surgery is pain. On the other hand, laser therapy is a simple and painless form of treatment. Beams are used in laser cutting. In contrast, an incision is made using a knife during open surgery. Comparing this procedure to traditional procedures, the pain is less.

Most people who undergo laser pile surgery report no pain at all. Patients experience pain after the anesthetic wears off during surgery. However, laser surgery involves a lot less pain. Seek advice from knowledgeable and skilled medical professionals.

  • Safer Alternative: Complicated treatments are frequently associated with conventional operations. In contrast, laser pile surgery is a considerably faster, safer, and more efficient surgical method for pile removal. There is no need to use steam, smoke, or sparks during the treatment process. This makes this course of treatment far safer than traditional surgery.
  • Minimal Bleeding: Laparoscopic surgery results in significantly less blood loss than open surgery. Consequently, there is no need to worry about infection or blood loss while receiving treatment. The heaps are sliced and the blood tissue is partially sealed by laser beams. This translates to very little blood loss. The sealing lowers the risk of infection even more. The tissue is not harmed. Both the incision and the therapy are secure.
  • Quick Care: The laser pile surgery is completed in a timely manner. It is a good therapy choice because of this. The length of the treatment is really short. Surgery can be completed in as little as 30 minutes. If there are more piles, it can take an additional one to two hours. Surgery takes a fraction of the time of a regular surgery. After the procedure, patients can return home. Usually, an overnight stay is not necessary. Laparoscopic surgery is therefore a versatile choice. Soon after surgery, one can return to their regular activities.
    Fast Discharge: Similar to the rapid treatment, the discharge choice is likewise fast. Non-invasive laser pile surgery is used. Thus, overnight stays are not necessary. After surgery, patients are free to go that same day. One is able to resume normal activities afterward.
  • Fast Healing: Following laparoscopic surgery, recovery happens quite quickly. The moment the procedure is finished, the healing process begins. Reduced blood loss indicates a lower risk of infection. The recovery progresses quickly. Overall recuperation time is shortened. In a few days, patients can go back to living their regular lives. Healing occurs far more quickly than after open surgery in the past.

  • Easy Process: Laser pilage surgery is a simple procedure. Unlike open surgery, the surgeon is in charge. The surgery is largely technical. Conversely, open procedures need a lot of manual labor, which raises the hazards. With laser pile surgery, the success rate is significantly higher.

  • Follow-up: Following laser surgery, there are fewer follow-up appointments. There is a greater chance of cuts or wounds healing during open surgery. Laser surgery does not have these problems. Thus, follow-up appointments are infrequent.


  • Recurrence: It’s uncommon for piles to grow again following laser surgery. There are no wounds or infections on the outside. Thus, there is little chance that piles will return.

  • Infections following surgery: There are not many post-surgical infections. There are no wounds, either internal or external. The incision is made with a laser beam and is intrusive. Therefore, there are no surgery site infections.


Disadvantages of Laser Piles Surgery

Surgery always has certain side effects. Laser Piles Surgery has several limitations. These are the following:

  • Expensive Equipment: Laser Pile Surgery calls for sophisticated, top-notch equipment. This kind of facility is seen in very few hospitals. It can be challenging to find reputable and reasonably priced laser surgery choices.
  • Training: The surgeons carrying out the operation must possess the necessary training. Complications can arise from untrained surgeons. Patients need to investigate the surgeon’s qualifications and track record.
  • Spare Laser: Using laser beams to treat illnesses is challenging. The laser fiber is restricted to specific instances. Extra laser fiber is therefore necessary during surgery.
  • Uncontrollable Bleeding: In rare instances, laser surgery may result in uncontrollable bleeding. Tissues that are healthy may be impacted. It has the potential to do serious harm.
  • Fibrosis: Tissue fibrosis may be brought on by laser beams. Future tissue fissures may arise from it. It is a consequence that arises later on during laser pile surgery.
  • anesthetic: During surgery, the effects of anesthetic fade. When a patient awakens during surgery, it may cause issues.

When to Contact a Doctor ?

If you are bleeding when you pass feces, see a doctor. Seek prompt medical assistance if using at-home cures doesn’t work even after a week. Multiple factors may contribute to rectal bleeding. As a result, appropriate diagnosis and screening are crucial. Keep an eye out for indicators like color or consistency changes.

Seek medical attention right once if you have severe rectal bleeding. Other signs of an emergency are lightheadedness or fainting.


It’s quite simple to prevent piles. But we disregard these behaviors, which lead to accumulations. We must maintain a soft stool so that passing is simple. The following preventative measures will keep them at bay:

  • Consume foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Water and juices should be consumed.
  • Thinking about taking fiber supplements
    When passing feces, try not to strain.
  • Don’t resist the desire.
    Get moving and maintain an active lifestyle.
  • Steer clear of extended sitting times.


See our proctologist if you exhibit signs of serious piles problems. Take note of any symptoms, such as burning, itching, or constriction in the bowel motions. Don’t disregard the signs of persistent constipation. Visit the hospital right away if you experience any of the symptoms listed above.

The Laser Proctology Program at Medica Superspecialty Hospital in Kolkata aims to treat patients using the least invasive method possible. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable surgeons will examine you thoroughly and identify your ailment. To serve you the accurate diagnosis results, we have all kinds of testing facilities on site. You receive all pre-surgery medical diagnostics completed at Medica.

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Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

40+ Years of Experience

Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

15+ Years of Experience

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8 Harmless Habits You Didn’t Know Can Cause Piles

8 Harmless Habits You Didn’t Know Can Cause Piles

8 Harmless Habits You Didn’t Know Can Cause Piles

Picture of Rohtak Bawasir Hospital
Rohtak Bawasir Hospital

Updated on: 4th Jun 2024

People of all ages might be affected by the common illness known as piles. Itching or irritation around the anal area, as well as painless bleeding during bowel movements, are all possible symptoms of piles. Usually, piles are enlarged or swollen blood vessels that surround the lower rectum and anus. It appears when a blood artery close to the lower rectum or anus experiences elevated pressure. People unknowingly engage in a number of daily activities that contribute to heaps. To learn more about the common causes of piles, continue reading the article.

What Causes Piles?

Increased strain on the blood vessels surrounding the lower rectum and anus can result in piles. This could happen as a result of:

  • Anal intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy

In addition to the reasons listed above, the following typical, innocent behaviors might also result in piles:

Lifting heavy weights

Lifting exceptionally large weights may cause pressure to build up in the belly and blood vessels within the walls of the anus, causing them to enlarge and protrude. Pile formation may occur gradually as a result of the increased pressure on the blood vessels. Individuals who lift large weights for a living should progressively exercise and become accustomed to doing so.

Sitting for too long on the toilet seat

The act of sitting on the toilet seat increases blood vessel pressure in the lower rectum, which can help stimulate a bowel movement. Long periods of sitting in this posture, however, may apply excessive pressure and cause piles. The best course of action is to avoid spending too much time sitting down, be it on a chair at work or on the toilet.

Pooping multiple times a day

Frequent bowel movements, whether due to diarrhea or another cause, can increase the pressure on the lower rectum’s blood vessel from sitting for extended periods of time. It may eventually result in heaps. To avoid complications, the underlying causes of multiple defecation require adequate and prompt treatment.

Eating spicy, greasy, or junk foods:

One of the main causes of piles is unhealthy eating habits. Overindulging in oily, spicy, or junk food can cause diarrhea or constipation, which raises the risk of piles. Consuming a nutritious, well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining excellent health and preventing issues like piles. Here is an Indian eating plan for piles if you currently have them.

Drinking less water

Constipation can result from not drinking enough water since it can thicken the feces. While some may incorporate fiber into their diets to help with constipation, doing so when combined with a sufficient water intake can exacerbate the condition and raise the risk of piles. The greatest way to stay hydrated and in good health is to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.

Sitting for prolonged duration

Prolonged sitting or living a sedentary lifestyle can put strain on the lower rectum’s blood vessels, increasing the risk of piles. Regular physical activity can support both efficient pile management and regular bowel motions.

Spending too much time biking:

An extended period of time spent sitting on a firm bike seat can decrease blood flow to the anal region. At the damaged region, this exacerbates the discomfort and swelling. Bicycling exacerbates the signs of pre-existing piles even though it doesn’t create new ones. Bicyclists who are currently experiencing piles may need to temporarily stop riding until the problem improves.

Reach us

You can write or phone us if you have been experiencing piles and are looking for a successful therapy. One of the most well-known surgical gastroenterologists in Hyderabad, India, is our specialist, Dr. Parthasarathy. With over 15 years of expertise, he has completed over 3000 sophisticated laparoscopic procedures. In addition, he has successfully performed over 100 laser surgery for piles annually.

Stool Softeners:

Docusate Sodium: By softening the stools, stool softeners such as docusate sodium can help avoid straining during bowel movements. For those who suffer from hemorrhoids, this can be especially helpful because straining can exacerbate symptoms.


Meet Our Specialists

Dr. Raj Kumar Garg (B.A.M.S.)

40+ Years of Experience

Dr. Rahul Garg (B.A.M.S.)

15+ Years of Experience

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